Vendor Application
Please note that all vendors are required to have read and agree to abide by both the SCFMS Rules and Regulations, as well as the SCFMS Code of Ethics and Conduct.
The purposes of the South Cariboo Farmers Market Society are:
a) To provide marketing opportunities for local farmers, producers, gardeners, and food processors, by operating a farmers’ market in 100 Mile House;
b) To stimulate and improve local agriculture production and to encourage greater consumption of local agricultural products;
c) To introduce local producers and consumers to one another and to educate the general public with regard to farm and food production issues;
d) To cultivate co-operation between citizens, businesses, and community structures in order to promote community food self-sufficiency;
e) To raise money, acquire funds, and provide other assistance for the purposes of the society;
f) To undertake everything necessary to promote and attain the fore-going purposes and
periodically reassess these purposes.
Membership is open to all BC residents who agree and wish to support the above purposes of our society.
Membership responsibilities and privileges:
Members are eligible for membership participation in the South Cariboo Farmers’ Market
Members are able to fully participate in all aspects of society governance
Members will be an active part of growing community and food sovereignty for the South
Cariboo and BC
Members must understand and agree to SCFM Code of Ethics and Conduct
Non-members may participate in the market as a vendor as explained in the SCFM rules and
Please apply using this online form, or print (PDF application linked below) fill out, scan and return this form by email to The form can also be mailed to PO Box 495, 100 Mile House, BC, V0K 2E0
Please note that incomplete contact information may cause the inability of the manager to reach you in a timely way to finalize your application.
Annual Membership: $20
Please pay by cash or cheque made out to South Cariboo Farmers’ Market, or by e-transfer to You may pay for your membership fee in advance or at the first market you attend. Membership year is January 1st to December 31, 2025.